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AllTransitTM Performance Score:
On Average Households have:
Transit agencies serving this geography:
Jobs Near Transit: Percent of jobs that are located within ½ mile of transit.
jobs are near transit
Transit Access to Customers: Customer households accessible to a business within a 30 minute transit commute.
Households within a 30 minute transit commute.
Healthy Commuters: Workers who commute by walking or biking and live within ½ mile of transit.
Low-income Households Near Transit: Percent of households making under $50,000 within a ½ mile of high frequency full day transit.
- -- -- - Households
High Frequency Transit: Households within ½ mile of high frequency transit.
Around the Clock
Full Day
Rush Hour
Transit Routes: Transit routes available within ½ mile of a block group on average.
Transit Routes
Jobs Near High Frequency Transit in
Percent of jobs near high frequency transit
nn of total jobs in are within ½ mile of high frequency* transit.
Jobs Near Transit in
Percent of jobs near transit
of total jobs in are within ½ mile of transit.
Top 3 Jobs Near Transit by Type:
Jobs Near Transit by Educational Attainment:
Transit Access to Jobs within a 30 minute commute
Jobs accessible by transit
Access to Jobs by Educational Attainment:
Total number of jobs accessible from the average household in within a 30 minute transit commute.
Transit Access to Jobs by Type:
Transportation Costs in --
Percent of income for transportation costs
The regional typical household near transit pays of their income towards transportation costs in this location.
Access to Customers: Customer households accessible to a business within a 30 minute transit commute.
Customer Households by Income:
Commute by WalkingWorkers who live within ½ mile of transit and commute by walking.
Commute by Bicycle Workers who live within ½ mile of transit and commute by bicycle.
Total Households in
Households Near Transit by Income
Percent of low-income households near transit
- -- -- - of - -- -- - households in - - that make less than $50,000 are within ½ mile of transit.
Population Near Transit by Race/Ethnicity
White population (-- people)
Minority population (-- people)
Population Near Transit by Educational Attainment
High school or less (-- people)
Some college or more (-- people)
Population Near Transit by Tenure
Owners (-- households)
Renters (-- households)
Households Near Transit-- of -- total households in -- are within ½ mile of transit.
Households Near High Frequency Transit
average headways of 15 minutes or less for households in --
Rush Hour 7am - 9am and 4pm - 6pm
- - households
Full Day 7am to 10pm
- - households
Around the Clock 24 hours
- - households
Transit Routes: Number of transit routes available within ½ mile of an average block group.
Vehicles by Ownership: Households within ½ mile of transit that own vehicles.
No Vehicles
compared to or --% for this location
1 Vehicle
compared to or --% for this location
2+ Vehicles
compared to or --% for this location
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